New REALTOR® Member Application Form - Primary or Secondary

Have you signed with a firm?  Has your paperwork been submitted to NCREC and your license is active?

If you answered NO to any of the above questions, please contact your BIC before completing this application!


Complete the below application if you are applying for a REALTOR® membership of either Primary or Secondary with MLS Access.  

(A letter of good standing from your primary association will need to be sent to CCAR prior to Secondary membership approval.)

You must have an active license with the NCREC before submission of application.

If you have any questions, please email us at or call at 252-247-2323

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

CCAR Member Information

Please enter your NCREC License Number 




We ask your area of expertise to see if you may fit within one of our committees/workshops. 

Human Resources
Public Relations



Do you have any pending ethics complaints (or hearings), unsatisfied discipline pending, pending arbitration requests ( or hearings), unpaid arbitration awards or unpaid financial obligations with any other Association?


I authorize the Carteret County Association of REALTORS® to send text messages to my cell phone to convey information regarding the Association and/or MLS.  I understand that text messaging rates will apply to any messages received from CCAR/CCMLS.  I also understand that I or CCAR/CCMLS may revoke this permission in writing at any time. I agree to hold CCAR/CCMLS harmless for any electronic messaging charges or fees generated by this service. 


I agree, as a member of the Carteret County Association of REALTORS®, to allow any digital images (photographs or videos)of me to be used by CCAR in public relation matters, including newspapers and social media. 

Member Access

If you check yes, you indicate that you have read over our MLS Rules & Regulations prior to gaining access.  


If you check yes, you indicate that you have read over our SentriLock System Rules and Cooperating Agreement prior to gaining access.


I understand that I need to attend CCAR's New Member Orientation class, an MLS Basic Training course, and take an NAR Ethics Course within 120 days of application.  


  • If my application is approved, I agree as a condition of membership to complete the CCAR New Member Orientation and an Ethics course within 120 days of application date. Failure to satisfy this requirement within one hundred twenty (120) days of the date of the application will result in termination of membership, I also agree to thoroughly familiarize myself with the Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS", Including the duty to arbitrate business disputes In accordance with the Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual of the Association and the Constitution, Bylaws and Rules and Regulations of the Carteret County Association of REALTORs• and the National Association of REALTORS"·

  • I further agree that my act of paying dues shall evidence my Initial and continuing commitment to abide by the aforementioned Code of Ethics, Constitutions, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, and duty to arbitrate, all as from time to time amended.

  • Finally, I consent that and authorize the Association, through Its Membership Committee or otherwise to invite and receive Information and comment about me from any Member or other person, and I agree that any Information and comment furnished to the Association by any Member or other person in response to any such Invitation shall be conclusively deemed to be privileged and not form the basis of any action by me for slander, liable or defamation of character.

NOTE: Applicant acknowledges that If accepted as a Member and he/she subsequently resigns or Is expelled from membership in the Association with an ethics complaint or arbitration request pending, the Board of Directors may condition renewal of membership upon applicant's verification that he/she will submit to pending ethics or arbitration proceeding and will abide by the decision of the Hearing Panel; or, if applicant resigns or is expelled from membership without having complied with an award In arbitration, the Board of Directors may condition the renewal on his/her payment of the award, plus any costs that have previously been established as fee and payable in relation thereto, provided that the award and such costs have not, in the interim, been otherwise satisfied.

I hereby certify that the information furnished by me Is true and correct, and I agree that failure to provide complete and accurate Information as requested, or any misstatement of fact, shall be grounds for revocation of my membership, If granted. I agree that, if accepted for Membership in the Association, I shall pay dues and fees from time to time as established.